Air Filter Changes

This is the most simple and easy do it yourself task for the average customer, but it is also the most neglected part of your air and heat system.

If you are using a standard throw-away, pleated (90 day), or washable one inch filters, then no matter what the package may say about frequent changes, you should be checking them every 30-45 days and changing them at that time if they look dirty. If you have pets and/or you have your filter grill/return air grill located near the floor/carpet then you will need to change them every thirty days and in some cases maybe more frequently.

If you have what we call two to four inch MEDIA type filters we recommend you change them every six months to a year, make sure you check them every three months in case they need to be changed sooner due to above mentioned special cases.

If you neglect the filter changes, you are going to shorten the life of the components of your air system by making it run too cold or too hot so expensive parts like fan motors and heat strips will fail before their time .

You are also running your system really hard and making it NOT efficient which means low performance and HIGH energy bills .

If you are not sure where your filter is, where to buy them, or just do not have the time to do this yourself please call a professional like Climate Experts.

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